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be grateful!

Be thankful that the sunrises and sunsets are free,
or else we couldn't afford them.

Be thankful that behind the storm is surely
the rainbow of hope and future sunshine.

Be thankful for the mistakes
because life would be boring if we are all perfect.

Be thankful for stress so that we can be reminded
to relax and balance our life.

Have a thousand and one reasons to be thankful!

The most logical work of Philosophy
is embodied in 8 words:

"STAY if you're HAPPY.
LEAVE if you're NOT."

Your Thumb...
is nearest to you, so pray for those who are closest to you.

Pointing Finger...
pray for those who teach, instruct and heal.

Tallest Finger...
pray for our leaders, they need God's guidance.

Ring Finger...
is our weakest finger, so pray for those who are weak, troubled or in pain.

Little Finger...
is the smallest finger... to remind you to pray for yourself.

looking back

When you look back and
wonder how you ever made it through the years,
you'll realize that it's

not because you've been clever
but because God has been wise;

not because you've been strong
but because God has been mighty;

not because you've been consistent
but because God has been faithful.

May God bless you today and forever!

on maturity

"The starting point of Maturity
is the realization that
no one is coming to the rescue...

Everything you are and
everything you'll be is
entirely up to you
[with the grace of God]."

countless things

In a science class, the teacher asked her students
to give an example of things which are countless...

One student answered: "WATER!"

Another one answered: "SAND!"

The other one answered: "AIR!"

The teacher noticed that everybody was
participating except for one.
She called his attention and asked the same question...
"What are the things which are countless?"

The student stoop up and answered: "BLESSINGS!"

Have you tried counting yours lately?

God does not disappoint,
but He surprises us
because He gives us gifts
that are not exactly what we expect
but are greater than our expectations.

One thing we've got to learn
is that no person is better than the other.

Some are blessed with knowledge,
some with beauty,
some with great wealth,
some with strength and
some with a unique gift from God that they have yet to find.

The essence of being
is not your rank or greatness
but being who God made you to be.

When I say I'm a Christian,
I'm not saying I am perfect...

I'm admitting I'm wretched
that's why I need a Savior.

I'm shouting I'm lost
that's why I need a Guide.

I'm claiming I'm weak
that's why I need a God!

"Humble yourself before the LORD,
and HE will lift you up."
[James 4:10]

on tears

"Tears are one of the
most meaningful liquid."

You wanna know why?

'Coz out of the many liquids
here in the world,
only tears can explain the
real meaning of pain...

what's life?

What's LIFE?

They say it's from B to D...
from BIRTH to DEATH.

So life starts on the day we are born
and ends the day we die.

But what's between B and D?

It's C!

What's C?

It is CHOICE...
Our life is a matter of choice.
Live it well.

And... It will never go wrong
if we put another C in its center...

on happiness #2

"Do what makes you happy...

Life is not based on the money you've got
and the success you've achieved.

It's all about being happy with
who you are,
who you love,
and who makes your life worth living!"

praying for rain

One day, the villagers decided to pray for rain.
On the day of prayer,
everyone gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella.

When you throw a 1-year-old baby in the air,
he laughs because he knows you will catch him.
That's TRUST.

Every night we go to bed,
we're not sure that we'll get up tomorrow
but we still have many plans for the coming day.
That's HOPE.


Trust in God

is an

is an

is an

So don't forget to...

use your

in your

to meet your

love's beauty

"the beauty of love
is that we don't know when it will hit us.
and when it does, it prompts us
to do cute and crazy things
we thought we are not capable of doing..."


"Whatever mistakes we have made,
our only way out is to move forward...

This is life's proven formula.
Don't look back in regret
but move on with hope!"

a beautiful life

"A Beautiful Life
does not just happen.

It is built daily in

May that Beautiful Life
be yours always!"


God is good.

For beyond the darkness, He gives us light.
Beyond our nightmares, He gives us dreams.
Beyond our tears, He gives us comfort.

So with this day that He has provided,
let us thank Him
even if our plans should fail and
our expectations not reached.

For beyond these things is God's embrace saying:
"My child, the path I have laid for you
is just beyond the corner.
Take my hand and just have faith."

One day, God had a work for me to do.
He showed a rock and told me to push it with all my might.
For many years, I pushed and pushed but nothing happened.
The rock hasn't moved even an inch.

In discouragement, I asked God why I'm failing.

The Lord responded:

"Your task is to push the rock,
never did I mention that you move it.
Now, I, my child, will move the rock."

Obedience to God is easy
if we only know
how to LISTEN.
He doesn't want us to suffer.
He only wants us to LEARN.

on defining life

is a movie
written, produced and directed
by God
and played
by You...

It's a one-take movie
so play it the best you can.
It has no cuts.
So make it a blockbuster
in God's eyes!"

"The season of LENT reminds us
that the life we have and
the material possessions we hold
are simply lent to us.
We are but pilgrims here on earth
who will pass by only once.
We bring nothing when we die
but we can leave behind
the love we've shared,
the hope we have given,
and the goodness we have done."


"Why did Christ choose to live in your heart?

He could have chosen
your brain, your eye or your mouth.
He could have chosen another part of you.
But He chose your heart.
Because in the HEART,
you Love...
you Choose...
you Decide...
and it's the only part of you that can grow
big enough to contain the majesty of GOD!

Man's heart is
God's place on earth.

Let Him dwell in it forever!"

take care

is the sweetest essence in the world.

If someone says take care,
it means you live in that person's heart
'til the last beat.

"Take Care!"


What if GOD has an answering machine?

For Thanksgiving, Press 1.
For Confessions, Press 2.
For Comments, Press 3.
For Other Prayers, Press 4.

What if the machine tells you this:

"Sorry, all angels are Busy now.
Please pray again later."

It will be hard right?

So let us thank GOD for
HE personally listens and answers our prayers.

This only shows how great the LOVE of the LORD is.

on fulfillment

"The measure of a person is not
how well they prepare for everything to go right,
but on how they stand up
and move on after everything goes wrong."

"There comes a moment each day
when we must simply drop what weighs on us
and hand it over to GOD.

May the Lord bless you with what you pray for;

Reward you with what you work for;

Grant you with what you hope for;

And surprise you with what you have not asked for."

on appreciation

"Learn to appreciate what you have...

before time forces you...

to appreciate...

what you lost."

on living

"Rivers do not drink the water they carry...

Trees do not eat the fruit they bear...

Clouds do not bathe in the rain they produce...

We are meant to give, even if we get nothing from it.

Measuring the life by what others do may disappoint us,
but measuring life by what we do will make life meaningful.

Love is giving until it hurts

but the reward is
eternal life with Jesus."

on being hurt

"Everything that God allows us is with a purpose.
He even uses
the greatest error and the deepest hurt
to mold us into a
person of worth and value."

>> A text message from my friend -- Med. <<

"Keep in mind that we should always thank those who hurt us,
especially those who did so bad,
we are forced to transform.
They risk the eternal verdict of going to hell
just to make us better than who we are..."

>> This one is from my friend -- Tim. <<

Last February 14, I got several wonderful and heartwarming valentines day messages from my friends. So I thought of sharing this here in my blog.

This one is from Med...

"Valentine's Day maybe for lovers
but it's also a time when I think of the dear people
who have made life beautiful and meaningful
and so I want to thank you for all of the moments
we have shared, for listening, talking, laughing, inspiring and caring.
You always give me something to look forward to;
and every time I hear from you,
the warmth you lend me helps me get through the day.
Though I don't often tell you how much our friendship means to me,
I hope you know how much I appreciate you.
Happy Valentine!"

And this is from Amee...

"Words to live by:

Just say what you mean
and mean what you say.

Don't expect someone to read your mind
and don't play games with heads or hearts.

Don't tell half truths and
expect trust when the full truth comes out.
Half truths are no better than lies.

Don't be cold to someone you care about.
Indifference hurts more than angry words.

They say actions speak louder than words
but sometimes it's better to have both.

Happy Valentines Day!"

Here's another one from Med...

"What is LOVE?
Writers and poets explained it by Romeo and Juliet or Florante at Laura.
Picaso and Gothe showed it with paintings, frescos and abstracts.
Lovers expressed it through flowers, poems, letters, gifts and songs.

Yet no one else but Jesus Christ
our Redeemer, Savior and "Lover of our Souls"
truly suffered, gave His life, then triumph over death
to prove what LOVE is and what LOVING truly means.
May TRUE LOVE reigns in our lives always and forever."

on happiness

No one in this world
can dictate to you
where you can be happy.

If you know where and what it is,
go for it!



It's a CH

"Treat everyone with LOVE,
even those who are rude to you...

Not because they are not nice,
but because YOU are nice."

"The pressures in life may seem to crush us,
but like a crushed grape
that produces a better wine,
they only bring out the best in us."
>> Psalm 66: 9-12 <<

a morning prayer

O Holy Spirit, at the beginning of this day,
take away all burdens from my heart
that I may start this day with joy,
for You to be the anchor of my day.

Pour out Your gift of wisdom that I may
feel and decide always in Your light,
following Your will for my life.

Strengthen me in the moments of frailty.
Be the master of my whole being
and always in all ways.

In Jesus mighty name,

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